Gochi Nyorai (Five Wisdom Buddhas) (五智如来)

The Gochi Nyorai, also known as Godai Nyorai, are five nyorai (tathagatas) associated with the five wisdoms of esoteric Buddhism (wisdom of the essence of the Dharma-realm, great perfect mirror wisdom, wisdom of equality, wisdom of wondrous observation, wisdom of accomplishing that which is to be done). They are the Kongokai Gobutsu (Five Buddhas of the Diamond Realm).

Renowned depictions include statues at the lecture hall of To-ji Temple (Kyoo Gokoku-ji Temple) and Kyoto's Ansho-ji Temple.

Dainichi Nyorai (center)

Ashuku Nyorai (east)

Hosho Nyorai (south)

Amida Nyorai (west)

Fukujoju Nyorai (north)

[Original Japanese]